Tuesday, February 26, 2008

J~ G B Shaw wrote what are known as "Troubled Plays" *she proceeds to explain what they are*

*At the end of a rather shockingly depressing narrative*

V~ *rolls eyes* Shaw sure had a troubled childhood...

* J is the coolest teacher one could ever have. She teaches us Eng Lit and we all love her to death. I'm sure she was a leetle freaked (but probably more flattered) when V requested her on behalf of F (go figure!) and me to consider the option of teaching us next sem as well :)

V~ You don't know her man! She looks so sleepy. She is sleepy. Her eyes look sleepy. Even her hair looks sleepy!

*And only Vini can make a comment like that, fellas!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

S~ ...You have the inquisitiveness of a child and the maturity of an adult.

V~ *in the most dignified manner she could* Bleh.

*Today at VT station, where else?

V~ *muttering* He's such a poosh.
S~ I told him he was a sex-deprived idiot.
V~ Really? Good! He really is a sploosh. Tell him I called him a sploosh.
S~ *mildly* I thought you said poosh. What should I tell him?
V~ Uh...whatever sounds more abusive?

* At VT station, today.

V~ *apologetically* The CR bullshit detector is very strong in me..

*CR=Class representative, which she is. This was after telling me off for speaking on the cellphone on the marble stairs. I think it was worth it..

V~ I don't want to do science, dad.

V's dad~ *frustrated* What do you want? What do you want?

*silence prevails for a few minutes*

V~ Uh..an ice-lolly?

*Recounted by Vini after a guava eating session. Her earnest yet innately innocent endeavours just kill your sense of humour :)

S~ Sometimes I think homosexuality is just fancy. And also not knowing your orientation.

V~ *lost in thought* I think determining your sexuality is like trying on shoes. Some people keep trying until they find the right pair. Some others keep trying because its fun. Others keep trying forever.

* In the central lawns at college, when we sat under the Banyan tree to escape the cold sunshine.

V~ Conversations should be like see-saws, you know.

*After one of the "salty-guava" eating sessions. Looks like we have another "VT station" coming up on the roads..

V~ I think we are generously humorous.

S~ *curiously* Why?

V~ Coz we are the only ones who laugh at our own jokes *breaks into peals of laughter*

S~ *smiles to self* And how..

*One of those happily dissected bits of conversations that happen after the heavily-salted-guava-eating by the Breach candy pavement..

R~ *after hearing that S read the original version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet* I think you read the ancient words dictionary at the back of the book a lot more than the actual play.

S~ *to V* She's smart *at a loss of words*

V~*looks dreamily into space, as usual* She's like this scissors that cuts through our dialogues *mimes* cut, cut...

*At the english viva. reading R & J was completely worth it.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Vini makes these statements. They sort of remain at the back of your head for the rest of your life and come back to you when you're least expecting it, probably when you're having that major operation or signing those divorce papers (Heaven forbid, btw)

"I saw this store today "Vanilla Moon" with sign that said "Opening soon". I wish it would always stay that way."

"When you're randomly going through the dictionary and going through these..these good-looking words, it feels so good."

Ah, Vini..
Sister A~ The screening of Ghashiram Kotwal won't happen tomorrow because there happens to be some sort of problems with Saturdays, I think we'll have to reschedule it, how about..

V~ *in a mild whisper* The universe is conspiring against you, woman, when will you get it?

*Just before my viva today. Not surprising that I went for it all cheerful and giggly, is it?
Sister A~Now, all of you, relax. A viva is nothing to worry about, its just having fun...essentially a discussion on a bok that you enjoyed reading..or not. Just have fun.

V~ *to herself, but we all heard it, thankfully* Ok, where are the lollipops?

*During the eng lit. vivas today. The problem with having V sit behind you is that you cant even giggle too loud, coz she takes over. And um, V laughing is, indeed, "fairly public"..

Thursday, February 7, 2008

S~ *Takes out "Romeo and Juliet" and places it on the table*

V~ *Immediately picks up book and starts flipping through. Reads radom pages and places it, face down, on the table*

*Silence prevails in the comm skills class as we both scribble away. Then from across the room*

M~Could I have the book?


*V takes no notice. Engrossed in writing*

*An indignant shriek later*

V~ *glares at S* Where is the book?

S~ *nonplussed* Its with her. You weren't reading it, Vini, we were both writing!

V~ *goes all coy and mumbles* Yeah, but I feel pretty lonely without the book. I mean, it was like this companion between the two halves of the table, looking so nice and blue, you were writing there, I was writing here..I sit here, baffled, and you continue laughing..WHAT are you laughing at?!

*Note to V: Nothing you'd ever understand, darling.
V~ *thoughtfully* It just crosses my mind, then, you know,that my arms aren't dermatologically meeting around his tummy.

*This resulted in peals of laughter when we were having a rather mushy discussion on hugs at college..

Monday, February 4, 2008

V~....I mean, I think running two planes into a tower is fairly public, you know.

*In the middle of an explanation on terrorism to the english teacher, who smiled, to say the least.
V~Its like he's giving you the rose and not telling you about the thorns, even though you're asking him for them.

S~It's like he's giving me the rose without the thorns at all.

V~*after a pause* I find it so much easier to talk in metaphors, don't you?

S~I think they were made for this very purpose-for simplifying conversation.

*Between platforms 3 and 4 at VT station on one crowded evening. The fountainhead of many inspiring and life-changing conversations. S is me, btw.
V~ *looking slightly bemused* I feel rather left out as a woman after attending his lecture.

*After a lecture that had absolutely nothing to do with gender at a national conference on "Gender Representation in popular literature and film"
V~ If laughing was a way to lose weight, we'd all be invisible by now..

*After a hearty session of laughing on Sonu's birthday at college.